Reach to the Full Potential of Your Shopify Store with the Export Product Images App

Ozkan Oz
7 min readJun 10, 2024


Bulk Export Product Images from Shopify Store

Running a successful Shopify store involves more than just listing products and managing sales. As a Shopify store owner, you need to ensure that your product images are always accessible, up-to-date, and optimized for various uses.

The Export Product Images app is your ultimate solution for managing and exporting product images easily. In this blog post, we will explore ten real-life scenarios where exporting product images can significantly benefit your store operations and how the Export Product Images app makes it all possible.

1. Website Redesign

Are you planning a website redesign or a theme upgrade?

If so, you’ll want to back up all your product images! The Export Product Images app is here to help. It lets you quickly export all your product images, ensuring they are safely backed up before you start your redesign. This means you can confidently update your site, knowing that all your images are secure and easily re-uploadable.

So, you can protect your product images against data loss and facilitate the reloading process during redesign.

Protect your product images while redesign

2. Creating Marketing Materials

We know how important it is to have high-quality product images for creating promotional graphics, social media posts, or email newsletters.

That’s why we’ve created the Export Product Images app! With this handy tool, you can easily export images in bulk, making them always available for your marketing team.

This speeds up the creation of consistent and visually appealing marketing content, which is great for your brand.

Product images for consistent and visually appealing marketing content

3. Multi-Channel Selling

You’re looking to expand your sales channels to include platforms like Amazon, eBay, and social media marketplaces.

The Export Product Images app helps you export product images quickly, so you’ve got the right images to maintain brand consistency across all platforms.

You can also save time by not downloading and re-uploading images manually, so your brand is always uniform.

Expand your sales channels to include platforms like Amazon, eBay, and social media marketplaces

4. Inventory Management

You need offline access to product images for visual verification for an inventory audit.

Exporting images from the app gives you a complete visual reference for all your inventory, making the audit process much easier. This can improve accuracy in stock management and automate inventory checks.

Exporting images from the app gives you a complete visual reference for all your inventory

5. Data Backup and Security

You must create backups of your store’s data, including product images, to prevent data loss or corruption.

The Export Product Images app makes it easy to export and store backups of all your product images, providing peace of mind and quick recovery options.

In this way, you can protect your store against data loss and ensure quick data recovery in case of technical issues.

Protect your store against data loss and ensure quick data recovery

6. Vendor/Supplier Collaboration

Do you need to share product images with vendors, suppliers, or other stores for updates, collaborations, or quality checks?

The app allows you to export and share product images efficiently, facilitate smooth communication, and ensure all parties have up-to-date product pictures.

You can also simplify collaboration and maintain up-to-date product information across your supply chain.

All parties have up-to-date product images

7. Bulk Image Editing

You plan to edit product images in bulk for enhancements, resizing, adding watermarks, or creating lifestyle images to explode sales.

The Export Product Images app enables bulk image exports, helps with the editing process, and ensures consistency in image quality and branding.

So, you can speed up bulk editing tasks and ensure consistent, high-quality product images for your store.

Speed up bulk editing tasks and ensure consistent, high-quality product images

8. Product Catalog Creation

You want to create offline or printed product catalogs for trade shows, physical stores, or customer requests.

The app allows for easy and organized export of product images, making catalog creation very easy to do.

Accordingly, you can facilitate professional catalog creation and showcase your products effectively to potential buyers.

Facilitate professional catalog creation and showcase your products

9. Platform Transition

You’re migrating to another e-commerce platform and must transfer all product data, including images.

The Export Product Images app ensures a smooth migration by allowing you to efficiently export all your product images, which are ready for transfer to the new platform.

It makes the migration process really easy and ensures complete and accurate transfer of product pictures.

Transfer all product data, including images.

10. Analytics and Reporting

You need to analyze product performance and require images to create detailed reports for stakeholders or investors.

Exporting product images with the app enhances your reports with visual aids, making presenting and understanding product performance data easier.

It improves report quality and clarity and creates effective communication with stakeholders.

Use product images to create detailed reports

How to use the Export Product Images app?

To help you get started, here’s a detailed walkthrough on how to install and use the Export Product Images app:

Step 1: Install the App into your Shopify Store

  • Visit the Shopify App Store and check for “CS — Export Product Images.”
  • Click on the app and select “Add app” to install it on your store.
You can download your Shopify product images by CS — Export Product Images app

Step 2: How the User Interface

  • Once installed, open the app from your Shopify Store.
  • The main dashboard will welcome you, where you’ll find all the needed data and features.
Main dashboard of Export Product Images app

Step 3: Filter Your Products and Images to Export

  • Use the filter options according to status, vendor, collection, and date range to select the products whose images you want to export.
  • You can combine filters to narrow your selection or skip these filters to download all your product images.
You can filter images according to product status
You can filter only some of your vendor’s images
You can filter your images according to Collections
You can filter your images according to a specific date range of product creation

Step 4: Customize the Export Settings

Customize the export settings according to your preferences. Select the desired file naming based on SKU and position, Barcode and position, or original image name.

File naming based on SKU and position, Barcode and position, or original image name

You can also decide on the folder structure and download product images in subfolders for each product or download all of them in one folder. It’s all up to you!

Folder structure based on Product Title, ID or SKU

Step 5: Download the Exported Images

  • Once you’ve configured the settings, click on the “Export Images” button.
  • The app will process your request and generate a downloadable file containing all the selected images.
  • Download the file to your local storage.

The Export Product Images app is essential for any Shopify store owner looking for help with operations, reducing of marketing efforts, and data security. Whether you’re redesigning your website, expanding to new sales channels, or conducting inventory audits, this app simplifies the process of managing and exporting product images, helping you maintain a professional and efficient store.

Don’t let image management challenges hold you back. Try the Export Product Images app today and experience the difference it can make for your Shopify store.



Ozkan Oz

Shopify enthusiast - Sharing tips, trends, and e-commerce insights. Let's connect! #Shopify #Ecommerce